630.746.9570 [email protected]

Neurology for the Common Joe and Jane

Thursday, Nov 30, 2023 - Sunday, Dec 3, 2023

8:00am - 12:00pm

Neurology for the Common Joe and Jane (Part 2)

November 30 through December 3, 2023

Neurology for the Common Joe and Jane (part two
This is part two of a two part seminar on neurological diagnosis and treatment of commonly seen neuro problems in our animal patients.
Part 2 of this series will covers diagnosis and treatment of:
1. Spinal cord issues
2. Functional cortical and brain stem asymmetries

I’ve been teaching functional neurology to veterinarians and chiropractors for many years. A common comment on my teaching method is, “Why wasn’t I taught neurology this way in school? Well I certainly wasn’t taught in a practical, clinically applicable way either.

Like you I memorized the anatomy and pathways and got through the test. I promise that the way I teach this stuff will excite you and leave you begging for more. Can neuro be fun? It is at my seminars.

I will be teaching you a fun, practical approach to neurological diagnosis that you won’t have to memorize because it makes so much sense. In addition I’ll show you how to efficiently and effectively treat most of the neuro cases that come in your office. The knowledge acquired over this weekend will also help you recognize those cases that need to be referred and what further imaging tests might be.

Neurology for the Common Joe (Jane) was created for all veterinarians and chiropractors. Neurological problems are not something to be feared and referred to a specialist. Unless you have already attended this seminar you will be shocked by how easy I have made neurological diagnosis and treatment of our animal patients.

I welcome learners who have previously taken this course. you won’t be disappointed. I’ve streamlined many of the techniques and added never before taught material.

Event Category


Event Location

NIU - Naperville Campus
1120 E Diehl Rd
Naperville, IL, 60563

Event Fees

Seminar Registration
$ 927.00

Total Seats


Remaining Seats